PPA Cover

We supply PPA cover to primary schools around Cheshire, Shropshire and Staffordshire. We pride ourselves on offering a personal service to every individual school that we work with, from the head teacher down to each child in every class.


We supply lesson plans for every lesson we deliver, these plans stay on school site at all times. These sessions are designed around our company ethos “Enjoy, Improve, Achieve”. We believe that if the lessons are enjoyable from the outset the children will be more engaged in the lesson and therefore improve dramatically over a short space of time. Each lessons has clear lesson objectives shared with the group before the lesson, lessons also involve a technical aspect of the sport or activity, a skill practice and a game/competition.

Due to the nature of PPA cover your teaching staff may not get to see their students in performance in PE for a whole school year and still have to write a report for them. To combat this we can summatively assess the children throughout each sporting block and give each child a rating from Working above expected, working at expected and working towards expected levels. On top of this we can also identify Gifted and Talented students and feedback this to the class teachers.

Each school we work in receives a Sports Coaching Group folder which is designed to be used by staff and our coaches. This folder has all session plans in, SCG coaches information, wet weather plans, non-participant forms and information for the SCG coaches should your usual coach be off sick.